Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)

Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme is a mandatory assessment scheme administered by the Environment Agency for all eligible UK Organisations.

What is it?

It is effectively an audit of an organisation's energy usage across its buildings, industrial processes and transport to identify any possible cost effective energy saving strategies.

Organisations are required to carry out these assessments every 4 years and if these obligations are not met, the regulator (Environment Agency) can issue civil sanctions including financial penalties to the offending organisation.

Do you need to comply?

If your company currently employs more than 250 people or has an annual turnover in excess of 50 million euros along with a balance sheet total in excess of 43 million euros, then it's likely that you will have to comply with the regulations.

Your organisation qualifies if on 31 December 2018 it meets the above ESOS definition of a large undertaking and the deadline for compliance for ESOS phase 2 is 5th December 2019

Do you require an ESOS Lead Assessor?

If your business meets the criteria outlined then you will require an ESOS Lead Assessor to conduct an energy audit.

The only exception to this is if your business has ISO50001 Accredited Energy Management System and meets the required compliance date. Failure to comply with ESOS will result in fines of up to £50,000 and possible charges of an additional £500 per day for up to 80 days. Non-complying companies will also be named and shamed.

Although the audit's recommendations are not mandatory they typically take advantage of the immediate savings such as LED Lighting etc.

Supply chain and customer expectations for CO2 emissions and Social Corporate Responsibility are driving corporations to invest in green technology, the savings to be achieved often make the investment a 'no brainer'.

How we can help

We can offer ESOS Lead assessments through one of our many partners.

These expert individuals are approved by one of a number of certified organisations to carry out and oversee the energy audits and overall energy assessments.  The Lead Assessor is also required to sign off any ESOS assessments.

Let Renewable Hub help with your ESOS compliance

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